Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola)
Status at Longham Lakes
Rare passage migrant.
1. 1 on 14th July 2005 (Trevor Thorpe).
2. 1 on Longham Reservoir South (the main island and the boating ramp) from 29th July-1st August 2013 (Chris Parnell).
3. 1 on Longham Reservoir South on 14th-16th August 2013 (presumably a different bird).

Wood Sandpiper (Chris Parnell)
Wood Sandpiper, Longham Lakes, Dorset, 29/7/13 (Chris Parnell)
Wood Sandpiper, Longham Lakes, Dorset, 29/7/13 (Chris Parnell)
Birds of Longham Lakes