Swift (Apus apus)
Earliest record: 15th April 2013.
Latest record: 1 on 8th September 2011.
Other arrivals:
2002: 28th April
2005: 28th April
2007: 18th April
2010: 22nd April (Terry Elborn) (20 birds).
2011: 27th April (Ray Gleason) (6 birds).
2012: 24th April (Chris Parnell). Latest 28th August (Chris Parnell).
2013: 15th April (DC)
2014: 18th April (GG), last 21st August (GG).
2015: 16th April (DC), last 4th September (DC).
2016: 20th April (DC).
High counts:
1. 300 on 18th June 2003 (escape movement?)
2. 200 on 28th April 2008 (migrants).
3. 300 on 26th May 2009 (Chris Parnell).
4. 500 on 29th May 2010 (Trevor Thorpe).
5. 200 on 6th June 2010 (Chris Parnell).
6. 200 on 15th May 2011 (Chris Parnell) and 200 at 7am on 22nd (Peter Moore)
7. 600+ on 26th May 2011 (Chris Parnell), with 500-600 on 28th (Steve Morrison).
8. At least 500 joined in with the massive Swallow movement on 3rd May 2012.
9. 100 on 29th June 2012, with Hobby in attendance.
10. 500 on 31st May 2013 (Shaun Robson).
11. 350 on 12th July 2015 (James Phillips).

Birds of Longham Lakes