Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos)

Status at Longham Lakes

Common resident. Breeds on-site.

2010: Minimum of 2 singing males on-site.
2014: 6 territories early April.
2016: 8 territories were located in woodland, mature hedgerow and scrub (Steve Morrison).

2 juveniles were seen on 3rd September 2003, quite a late breeding record.

Hard weather:
20 present on 7-8th January 2010, with 10 on 5th.

Migrant birds:
1. c. 660 flew N in half and hour on 16th October 2005 (mixed with Redwings, calculated from rough percentage).
2. 20 on 26th October 2005.
3. 10 present on 4th October 2006.
4. 20 on 6th January 2009 may have been from a local movement.
5. 15 on 18th October 2010 (Ray Gleason).

2011: 13 ringed between 27th May and 4th October, with 3 on 15th September.
2012: 19 ringed between May and October.
2013: 20 ringed between May and October.
2014: 26 ringed between May and December.