Siskin (Carduelis spinus)

Fairly common passage migrant and winter visitor. All records shown:
1. 15 flying south on 20th October 2005.
2. 30 over on 25th February 2006.
3. 10 over on 3rd October 2007.
4. 1 over on 8th September 2008.
5. 2 on 16th December 2008
6. 2 on 21st January 2009.
7. 30 on the edge of Samuel’s Wood, 19th October 2009, then up to 10 until 6th November.
8. 1 on 11th January 2010 and then 20 on 18th January 2010.
9. Autumn 2010: Recorded 6th, 15th, 27th October and 8th November
10. A flock took up residence at the southern edge of Samuel’s Wood, early 2011, with 30 birds on 17th January and 20 on 21st.
11. 50+ on 14th October 2011 and 5 on 17th and 2 on 18th.
12. 20 along western edge of the site, 25th October 2012 (DC)
13. Recorded on 14th October 2013.
14. 30 over on 7th September 2015 (DC)
15. Ringed on 13th and 17th October, 3 on 24th November and on 27th November.
2016: 1 on 12th January (DC), 1 on 4th February, 1 on 15th March (Martin Wood) and 1 on 20th September.
Birds of Longham Lakes