Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus)
Regular breeding bird and passage migrant. Uncommon in winter.
In 2007-09 some bred on the scrub on the edge of the Quarry, and previously held territory (at least) on The Marsh and nearby. From 2010 much commoner.
2008: 2 pairs in the Quarry in summer 2008, one in the north and 1 in the Settling Marsh (Steve Morrison).
2009: 2 singing males, 16th April 2009. 1 male and 2 females on 20th June 2009, 1 of which was carrying food. 1 female feigning injury and carrying food, 18th July 2009.
2010: At least 4 territories 2010.
2011: Estimated 10+ territories.
2013: 3 singing males on 23rd February, 6 on 5th March.
2014: 1st juvenile on 19th June (ringed). At least 3 territories early April.
2015: 1 carrying nest material, 12th April 2015.
2016: At least 11 singing males were found. This species can be difficult to census as territories often overlap. A more concentrated survey effort should clarify the true status of the birds at Longham (Steve Morrison).
Occasional spring and autumn peaks suggest passage movement:
12 on 13th March 2011.
10 on 30th March 2011.
2011: 73 individuals ringed between April 27th and October 3rd, of which 36 were between 28th September and October 3rd (Roger Peart).
2012: 42 individuals ringed, with small peaks in July and October.
2013: 42 ringed between May and November.
2014: 39 ringed, 25 of them in November.
Originally ringed at Longham:
L902336 Reed Bunting 3J 27/06/2011 Longham Lakes (8), Dorset
4M 14/10/2011 Lytchett Bay, Poole (10 km, WSW, 109 days)
Y512298 Reed Bunting 4M 28/05/2012 Longham Lakes (8), Dorset
4M 08/09/2012 Lytchett Bay, Poole (10 km, WSW, 103 days)
Controlled at Longham:
L128942 Reed Bunting 5F 14/03/2011 Canford Park, Wimborne
4F 16/09/2011 Longham Lakes (7), Dorset (3 km, SE, 186 days)Autumn
8 by Longham Reservoir North on 23rd October 2006 were almost certainly migrants.
5 on 26th October 2009.
20 on site on 2nd September 2010
3 over on 17th October 2011 (vis mig).

Reed Bunting, Longham Lakes, 20 July 2011 (Roger Peart)
Birds of Longham Lakes