Pintail (Anas acuta)
Status at Longham Lakes

Rare visitor, becoming more frequent in recent years.
1. 1 juvenile bird on Longham Reservoir North 14th-20th September 2004.
2. 3 on Longham Reservoir North, 13th December 2005 (Trevor Thorpe).
3. 1 male on the flooded Quarry, 4th-5th January 2007.
4. 1 eclipse male on Longham Reservoir North , 16th September 2008.
5. 2 females on the Quarry from 30th October to 7th November 2008.
6. 1 female over the site on 15th January 2009.
7. 1 male and 1 female on the Longham Reservoir North, 19th January 2009.
8. 4 on the Quarry Floods, 10th February 2009.
9. 1 flew over with a Wigeon flock on 16th October 2009.
10. 2 females on Longham Reservoir North, 9th January 2010.
11. 1 on 19th January 2010.
12. 3 flying over on 2nd December 2010.
13. 5 on 9th January 2011 (Ben Chapple, Terry Elborn), with 2 on 11th and 4 on 14th (Trevor Thorpe).
14. 7 on 15th January 2011 (Brett Spencer).
15. 2 on 17th January 2011 (pair), with 1 male on 21st.
16. 1 drake on February 8th 2012 (George Green).
17. 3 (2 males) on 27th December 2012, with 4 (2 females) the next day.
18. A pair on 11th March 2013 (DC).
19. 2 on 24th March 2013 (CP).
20. 1 male on 16th-17th February 2014 (WEBS, George Green).
21. 1 male on 8th-13th December 2014 (George Green, Alan Pearce).
22. 1 male on 10th-11th January (George Green).
23. 2 pairs visited on 23rd January 2016 (George Green).
Birds of Longham Lakes