Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius)

According to Water Company Employees, bred every year from 1996-2007.
Potential breeding records of this species are as follows:
1. 2 displaying over the dry lake bed, 14th April 2002.
2. 3 there on 20th April 2002.
3. 1 there on 5th May 2002.
4. Recorded several times between 20th April and 4th May 2004, with 2 on 26th April 2004.
5. A pair seen copulating, 27th May 2005 (Dorset Bird Report).
6. 1 on 29th June 2005 (Dorset Bird Report).
7. 1 on 5th and 8th April 2006 on Longham Reservoir North.
8. 1 bird displaying over the Quarry on 26th April 2006.
9. 2 on 13th April 2007 and at least 1 seen until 5th May. Probably represented at least a territory-holding bird at a time when the Quarry was suitable for the species.
10. 3 on 8th April (Chris Parnell) then 1 seen from 16th April to 16th May 2008. Known to breed in that year. 6 birds seen on 11th June, thereafter 3 until 23rd June. Of the 6, 1 was a juvenile, almost certainly reared on site. 1 remained until 11th July (Steve Morrison).
11. Present from 23rd March (2 on 24th) to 20th April 2009 at least, when 1 was seen displaying.
12. In 2010 first recorded on 7th April (2). 2 on 21st May (Trevor Thorpe) and 3 on May 1st and 10th. 1 on 12th July.
13. 2011: A pair first appeared on 8th April, and 1 or 2 continued to be seen up to 18th May, with 3 on 27th April (Ray Gleason). Then 2 reappeared on 22nd May (Ben Chapple).
14. 2012: 1 on 27th March (Alan Pearce), then 2 on 2nd May (Dominic Couzens), 4 on 4th May, 3 on 5th and 1 on 7th (George Green).
Autumn Migrants:
1. 1 on 30th September 2005 on the floating weed on Longham Reservoir North (Trevor Thorpe) (a very late record).
2. 1 juvenile on 6th August 2011 (Trevor Thorpe).
3. 1 on 4th July 2012 on island in LR South (George Green).
Most recent records:
2013: 1 on 24th March on the main island on LR South (George Green), 1 on 3rd (DC) and 4th April (Alan Pearce), 1 on the island on LR South on 17th July, with 2 there the following day and 2 on 21st.
2014: 3 (2 adults and 1 juvenile) on the main island in LR South on 12th July (George Green). 1 on 13th July (WEBS).
Birds of Longham Lakes