Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris)

Very common resident and regular passage (autumn) migrant.
This is one of the commonest birds of the area, breeding abundantly and with some migrants passing through in the autumn.
High counts include:
20 on 27th August 2003.
30 on 23rd September 2004.
50 on 19th October 2004.
30 on 21st November 2004.
106 north on 16th October 2005.
40 on 18th October 2005.
41 W on 27th October 2006.
11 on 17th October 2011.
40 seen probably leaving roost site, 2nd September 2006.
2010: Minimum of 6 singing males on-site.
2011: No count made.
2014: 8 singing males, early April.
2016: 10 territories were located in scrub and hedgerow (Steve Morrison).
2011: 12 ringed between 10th June and 16th September, with 4 on 11th July.
2012: 8 ringed between May and September.
2013: 8 ringed between May and September again.
2014: 1 ringed in June.
Birds of Longham Lakes