Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra)

Status at Longham Lakes
Present all year on the River Stour and is seen fairly frequently on-site.
1 on the Stour near Old Ash Bend, 26th August 2006.
1 in October 2010 (Chris Parnell).
1 on 10th October 2010 (Brian Chard)
1 on the west side of Longham Reservoir South, 18th and 21st October 2010 (Ray Gleason).
1 on 27th August 2011 (Trevor Thorpe).
1 on 9th October 2011, seen running across the path and swimming on LR South (Chris Parnell)
1. 1 on the Stour flanking the West Fields on 16th, and then again on 17th April 2015 (DC)