Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)

Status at Longham Lakes

Holds territory and doubtless breeds in Samuel’s Wood, but is quite elusive.

Earliest records:
1. 1 heard on 18th November 2005 (Trevor Thorpe).
2. 1 in the saplings at the edge of Longham Reservoir North on 6th April 2006.
3. 1 in Emily’s Wood, 6th September 2006.
4. 1 in Samuel’s Wood with large roaming flock, 13th September 2006.
5. 2 in Emily’s Wood, 16th July 2007.
6. 2 in Samuel’s Wood, 25th April 2008.

Now seen on and off in the woods on-site.

2012: One carrying food on 28th April (Chris Parnell).
2014: Breeding confirmed on 18th April in Samuel’s Wood (George Green).
2015: Present on 9th March.

2012: 1 ringed in September.
2013: None ringed.