Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
Status at Longham Lakes

Breeds on nearby farmland, and often seen or heard from site. Also frequents the West Fields and might possibly breed there. Resident.
1st record: 2 on 3rd September 2002.
2010: A male evidently held territory on the West Fields and was heard calling throughout April and May.
2011: A male seen displaying (call/wing-flap) on 17th January. A “harem” of 3 females seen on Hampreston Fields, 29th March 2011 with a male heard from the West Fields shortly afterwards.
2012: 2 separate males heard calling on 28th May, 1 in Emily’s Wood and 1 from the Marsh.
2015: 3 together, a male with two females, on the West Fields, 18th February 2015 (Dominic Couzens)
2016: Proof of breeding came with a female seen with 4 weakly-flying young, 10th June (Roger Peart).
Birds of Longham Lakes