Atlas of rare birds

A guide to some of the rarest birds in existence, brought together by the maps showing where in the world you can find them. The book focuses on 50 captivating stories, including remarkable and quirky discoveries of species new to science, rediscoveries of species not seen for centuries and ‘back from the brink’ dramas such as those that have engulfed the Seychelles Magpie-Robin and California Condor. Each species has its own mini-chapter and the book is broken down into groups of stories linked in some way, such as those involving island birds and those that are especially controversial. This is an accessible, readable and visually appealing take on a serious subject of threatened birds and possible extinctions – a topic that is constantly in the news due to increasing concerns over climate change and habitat destruction.
Currently in print and available at all good book shops. If you wish to order online:
“Couzens is a master writer and the book is impossible to put down. It includes all the latest knowledge of the birds it describes… I read Atlas of Rare Birds from cover to cover – it’s undoubtedly the best bird and conservation book I’ve read for years.”