14th February Female Scaup still present on South Lake and showing very well. Best of the rest: drake Goldeneye and ad Mediterranean Gull - both on South Lake (George Green). 9th February The Scaup and Goldeneye are still around, together with 2 Mediterranean Gulls....

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Early January 2015

6th January The Scaup was still present today (Ian Lewis). Otherwise it is quiet birdwise, with small numbers of all the usual wildfowl. A visiting birder saw the year's first Bullfinch, the Stonechat remains and there was a Chiffchaff among one of the local...

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Happy New Year

1st January 2015 I had a decent start to the year today with 55 species in two walks. There are plenty of birds around, with all the usual wildfowl - Gadwall, Wigeon, Teal, Pochard and Shoveler -plus plenty of Little Egrets and Grey Herons making use of the low water...

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November and December 2014

29th December A circuit of both lakes produced 45 Cormorants (23 on the large island and 22 on the pylons and wires), 45 Teal, 15 Wigeon, 6 Shovelers, 4 Pochard, 5 Little Grebe, 4 Great Crested Grebe and 11 House Sparrows (Trevor Wilkinson). 24th December Owing to the...

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October 2014 at Longham Lakes

There is not a rarity in the world that would have made October 2014 a happy month for Longham Lakes birding. For on 15th one of the site's most avid watchers, Chris Parnell, passed away after a long illness; he was only 46 and leaves behind a wife and two young...

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Longham Lakes, September 2014

  30th September Ringing this morning produced 36 new birds and 3 re-traps. I had 10 Blackcaps today, including a re-trap of an adult female first ringed in early May. New totals were Chiffchaff 17, Robin 5 and one each of Blue Tit, Great Tit, Reed Bunting and...

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Longham Lakes Summer 2014

28th August Ringing this morning: 15 new birds and 3 re-traps. Blackcaps responded well with 5 caught. I re-trapped Chiffchaff was first ringed on 5 May, re-trapped twice more up to 9th June but not again until today. He is still hanging around then. 27th August...

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Wildlife and Travel Blog

THE PERFECT SWARM Bat-catching on an English autumn night There are many joys to mammal-watching, but one is undoubtedly a tendency to do peculiar things. Take visiting a cave on a September dusk and placing long nets outside it, and then waiting, chatting in the...

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A Second for Longham

23rd June 2014 Strange record of a Turnstone at Longham Lakes today, in full summer plumage. Presumably it's a failed breeder that has gone all the way up to the Arctic, tried its best and returned again. Its loss is our gain, a true rarity here. A rubbish record...

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