December 2018 at Longham Lakes
31st December I tried another ringing session this morning to round off the year. No definite sign of any Redwings. All rather quiet around the nets but I did catch 6 new birds and 3 re-traps. The latter were 2 Long-tailed Tits (ringed 27th September) and a Robin...
Autumn 2018 at Longham Lakes
30th November There were 3 Great Egrets on South Lake, and the Whooper Swan was very distant at Hampreston. There were 2 Mediterranean Gulls about, plus 2 Egyptian Geese and 30 Black-tailed Godwits on Hampreston Fields (George Green.) 29th November There were 2...
Summer 2018 at Longham Lakes
31st August The Black Tern seems to have gone from Longham, and there weren't any Redstarts there either this morning. Highlight, though, was a juvenile Marsh Harrier over at about 9.50am, gorgeous in the bright light. A few oddities, too: Juvenile Black-tailed...
Spring 2018 at Longham Lakes
27th May On a walk down to the "Scarlet Darter" pond south-west of the Main Lake, had some Emperor Dragonflies, Banded Damoiselle and an immature Scarce Chaser. Also had a Brown Argus and a Grass Snake swimming across the pond. Only birds of note were singles of...
January and February 2018 at Longham Lakes
26th February A Long-tailed Tit was found dead in a garden adjoining Longham Lakes yesterday. The bird was ringed on-site by Roger Peart, with the following details: Ringed 13/08/2016 1900hrs, one of 8 LTTs ringed that evening. Two of those LTTs were re-trapped the...
December 2017 at Longham Lakes
THE YEAR 2017 in review at Longham Lakes, Dorset This year has been fantastic in just about every aspect for this site, for birding and wildlife-watching generally. The total of 134 species of birds is a record, just, but it was the quality that stood out, and a nice...
Autumn 2017 at Longham Lakes
26th November I heard last week of another ‘control’ of one of the Longham birds. Not a great movement but good to hear of it again – details below. Strictly it shouldn’t be a control as it was caught less than 5km from the ringing location – so officially it is a...
Summer 2017 at Longham Lakes
30th August Four Garganey still present this evening showing well close to the west bank of the South Lake (George Green.) 28th August Perhaps not surprising re recent events in Poole Harbour, but an Osprey circled over the South Lake at Longham Lakes at 11am. The 4...
Spring 2017
29th May I didn't wander far this morning but a visiting birder went round and didn't mention anything out of the ordinary. Young Reed Warblers are...
February and March 2017 at Longham Lakes
30th March A ringing session this morning produced 3 new birds (2 Blackcaps, 1 Great Tit) and a re-trap Reed Bunting. The latter was ringed in May 2011 so coming up to 6 years – and it was an adult female when ringed, so actually at least (almost) 7 years. The oldest...