Longham Lakes 2022

14th December Things have sunk today to 2 Mute Swans on Hampreston Fields and 2 Great Egrets on the lakes (via Lorne Bissell.) Mind you, once upon a time in the recent past the egrets would have been a rarity. Amazing how things have changed. 13th December Best bird...

Summer 2020 at Longham Lakes

30th July A relatively good ringing session, with 17 new birds and 1 re-trap. 10 of the new ones were Reed Warblers (1 adult, 9 juveniles) and the others were singles of Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler, Robin, Wren, Blackbird and Song Thrush. All were...

Late March to May 2020 at Longham Lakes

27th May This morning I had my first visit to check the 11 Longham boxes. As I hadn’t been there since early March the vegetation, especially nettles and brambles, has grown up considerably and it took a lot of time and effort to fight my way through to most of the...

March 2020 at Longham Lakes

23rd March Longham Lakes is temporarily closed. 22nd March A Red Kite flew from the general direction of Longham Lakes at only a little above treetop height close to the White Hart pub, it continued south over Dudsbury golf course. The lakes were disappointing in a...

Winter 2020 at Longham Lakes

15th February Out on the lakes were 200 Black-headed Gulls, 4 Mediterranean Gulls, 3 Common Gulls, 50 Herring Gulls, 1  Lesser Black-backed Gull and 2 Great Black-backed Gulls. One of these latter gulls pinched an Eel away from a Cormorant, then was harassed by...

Autumn 2019 at Longham Lakes

One of the highlights of an excellent autumn at Longham Lakes. 31st December I had a short ringing session at Longham this morning from 6am (putting up nets) to 8.45am [that's beyond the call of duty, Roger!]  Aiming for Redwings but only caught one, plus a new Robin....

Summer 2019 at Longham Lakes

30th August Between 14:40 and 15:40, a maximum of 23 Swifts in one scan, along with c450 Sand Martins, c25 House Martins and 10 Swallows. Also 6 Sedge Warblers, 6 Willow Warblers, 2 + each of Common Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Reed Warbler and Cetti's Warbler...

Spring 2019 at Longham Lakes

26th May Quiet Sunday morning with no activities involving humans on the water. Usual vocal Reed Warblers and Cetti's and plenty of Swifts. An Oystercatcher was on the large island, soon joined by its mate. Together they mobbed and successfully chased away a marauding...

February and March 2019 at Longham Lakes

30th March There were 3 Oystercatchers feeding on Hampreston Fields around the flooded ground (Robert Weaver.) 29th March Near the ringing area there were 2 Small Tortoiseshells frequently jousting with each other high into the sky, plus 1 Peacock which occasionally...

January 2019 at Longham Lakes

29th January A Mistle Thrush and a Coal Tit could be heard singing from the Study Centre car park this morning (Dominic Couzens.) 27th January 4 Great Egrets on South Lake island (Peter Moore.) 23rd January 4 Great White Egrets this morning (George Green.) I was...

Many Happy Returns

Saturday 24th December As of today, a redhead (female/immature) Smew is back at Longham Lakes, found independently by Chris Parnell and George Green. Last winter there were up to 6 on Longham Reservoir South, and the first one appeared on December 1st. A great...

Rail Delight as Teal Leaves

The Longham Lakes Blue-winged Teal appears to have gone. It was last reported on 13th December. Bon voyage to a bird that gave great delight. Sunday 18th December Philip Horobin says: "It was a beautiful afternoon at Longham today. I parked the scope by the NW corner...

Back to Not Quite Normal

Friday December 9th It was a case of almost back to normal at Longham Lakes today: hardly any birders around, but plenty of common birds. However, it is true that the Blue-winged Teal is still here, which makes true normality impossible. Apart from this, just a couple...

Choppy Waters and Rare Ducks

Thursday 8th December The female/immature Blue-winged Teal was in its favoured corner (north-west) on Longham Reservoir South at lunchtime today, looking contentedly settled - not only in its choice of locality, but also in its regard for one of the local Shovelers....

Magic Sunday at Longham

Sunday December 4th The Blue-winged Teal remains on-site to the delight of the many who have gone looking for it. With so many birders present it was no surprise that lots of other birds were found, the pick being a first-winter Scaup picked out by Shaun Robson, plus...

American Brings Birders Running

Saturday December 3rd All hell broke loose today at Longham Lakes when George Green, Dorset birder of long standing, managed to pick out a female Blue-winged Teal on Longham Reservoir South. The bird was associating with a couple of Shovelers and proving pretty...

Some Recent Records

Here are some recent records from Longham: 27th November: Single Goosander redhead on LR North (Chris Parnell). 20th November: 1 first winter Red-breasted Merganser at 7.30am on LR South (Robin Trundle). This is the 4th record for the site. 50 Lapwings settled on the...

Late autumn rarity

A Black Tern showed up on Longham Lakes this morning, showing superbly on Longham Reservoir North among the Black-headed Gulls. Paul Wilkins got this awesome picture: It's a very late migrant, and the still obvious neck ring and scalloping on the wings shows that it...

Goldfinches Galore

Tuesday 18th October. Chris Parnell: not much visible migration today, but there was a large flock of Goldfinches (I’d say 80+) and 2 Siskins. Also Treecreeper and the Whinchat still present. On a quick count 46 species in total

Return of the Prodigal

Monday 17th September There was some light visible migration over Longham this morning 09.00-09.50, with totals as follows: Siskin 5, Lesser Redpoll 2 (south), Chaffinch 5 (south), Greenfinch 11 (south), Goldfinch 30 (mainly south), Linnet 17 (south), Pied/White...