Bird information
Over the years I have had the pleasure of writing about many species of birds, so much so that I have accumulated a sort of mini-encyclopedia. When Dave Kjaer, a photographer from Wiltshire, England, very kindly gave permission to use any one of his magnificent collection of images on this website, I could no longer resist the temptation to collect them together, hence this section. This is a work in progress, with more sections added as time goes on.
At present there are two sections of Bird Info:

Migration Table
Dominic Couzens has produced a unique resource. A migration table for every single species of bird that visits the United Kingdom. It is available for you as a FREE download so just click the button to go and get it.
Species Profiles
I have provided a list of short articles and factsheets, which hopefully you will find interesting. Much of the material comes from my book Birds: A Complete Guide to all British and European Species, published by Collins and reproduced with permission. If you require fresh material in similar vein for publishing, please call Dominic Couzens on 01202 743819 (mob: 07721 918174) or use email enquiry form and we can discuss the scope of the work and associated costs for preparing a new factsheet(s).