Tawny Owl (Strix aluco)

Status at Longham Lakes
A resident in the woods. Breeding not confirmed.
All records:
1. 1 heard in Emily’s Wood on 28th January 2009.
2. 1 heard from the edge of Emily’s Wood, 27th July 2010.
3. 1 heard from Samuel’s Wood, 9th September 2011.
4. 1 being mobbed in Emily’s Wood, 31st March 2014.
5. 1 heard from Emily’s Wood, 15th June 2014.
6. 1, probably a youngster, heard calling during several autumn 2014 ringing sessions, including 8th September.
7. 1 seen on 16th April 2015 (Dominic Couzens)
8. 1 heard on 8th and 25th September 2015 (Roger Peart).
9. 1 calling from Emily’s Wood, 8th January 2016 (Dominic Couzens).
10. During the breeding bird survey 2 males heard, one each at Emily’s Wood and Samuel’s Wood. It is not known if they were
paired or bred (Steve Morrison).
Birds of Longham Lakes