Late Departures

1st November 2012 Most surprised today to see 3 House Martins flying over Longham Reservoir North in the afternoon. This is the latest record by over three weeks. Also 3 Ravens over (Dominic Couzens).

Wimborne Literary Festival

Do come and see me at the Wimborne Literary Festival tomorrow 2nd November 2012. I will be at the Waterside Cafe, Allendale Community Centre, Hanham Road, Wimborne at 3.30pm. It’s £3 per ticket, and for that I will be talking about my career and how to make a...

Melaleuca’s Vanishing Parrots, and other stories

14th October 2012 It usually takes the warm glow of distant memory to assign any particular experience to one’s pantheon of top treasures, but I cannot imagine that today will ever slip out of my list of “best wildlife days ever”. It was simply...

Tasmania Sealife

13th October 2012 Over the years I’ve heard a lot about Tasmania. In fact, I chose Tasmania as a school project when I was about 11 and bored my friends stupid talking about its wildlife. Now some 20 years later it’s my chance to see what the fuss is...

Big Rarity Drops in

OCTOBER 2012 reports If you want to hear about arguably the most exciting bird ever to drop in on the Longham Lakes site, then details are below. I write this with a heavy heart, because the wretched thing turned up while I was away – a Patchwatcher’s...