Happy New Starlings

Today was a good day for Starlings. In the sunshine they looked magnificent, all trim and iridescent, shining like that new gadget you received on Christmas day before your grubby hands got hold of it. Starlings are effervescent characters, undoubtedly Myers-Briggs...

Busy End of Year

  It’s been a pretty eventful December for Longham Lakes. Here are the most recent highlights in reverse order. 30th December Black Swan 1, Wigeon 189, Gadwall 13, Shoveler 3, Mediterranean Gull 1 (Trevor Thorpe). 1 Cetti’s Warbler along the causeway...

Why are Robins tame?

Wisley Gardens, 13th December 2012 People love Robins for all kinds of reasons, but the bird’s unusually confiding nature has to one of its greatest delights. This also makes it unusually easy to photograph, as I found out at Wisley today, when Robins seemed to...

Longham in Dreamland

Sunday 2nd December 2012 What’s happened to this local patch? Normally good but unspectacular, it has hosted White-rumped Sandpiper and Glossy Ibis today. The White-rumped Sand played to a reasonable gallery of birders for most of the day, while in the morning...