Welcome Return

This morning (May 18th) a drake Garganey was on Longham Reservoir South, not far from the island. It’s the first of the year, and quite overdue. Garganeys are  one of the site’s spring specialities. Also this morning, a Cuckoo singing, a few Sand Martins...

Ortolan Appears – Again! (Plus spring so far).

It seems hardly credible, but the Ortolan Bunting that turned up this morning (8th May) on the western side of Longham Reservoir South (Dominic Couzens) is actually not even a first for the site! That accolade goes to one seen on 17th April 2011. Its latest appearance...

This Birding Summer

This summer I have a terrific set of trips lined up. There are spaces on all of these, if you fancy coming along. More details included under “What’s On”. You can enquire through this website or e-mail dominic@birdwords.co.uk Day Trips...

March Update, Another First

Here’s what’s been happening at Longham recently: 13th March: A fall of Chiffchaffs, variously reported as a dozen (Chris Parnell) and 5 (Alan Pearce) on the corner of Samuel’s Wood. Undoubtedly migrants. 12th March: Redhead Smew, diving frequently...