Garden Surprise

17 May 2014 There are many advantages of playing football in the garden with your children. However, one that I had never thought of was to look up and see a Common Crane circling over to the north – but that’s what happened today. Sorry, the shots...

Spring Update

20th June Trevor Wilkinson today recorded some breeding wildfowl: 4 adult and 8 young Canada Geese, 29 Coot (with 1 chick), and adult Mallard with 4 ducklings and a pair of Mute Swans with 4 cygnets on the small pools to the south of the main lakes. In all there were...

Parking for Birders at Longham Lakes

If you are a regular visitor to Longham Lakes, you might like to know that SembCorp Bournemouth Water, the owners, are kindly allowing birders to use the Study Centre car park, so long as they display a numbered pass on their dashboard. To obtain such a pass, which is...

24th April: Garganey pair still present – initially showing well by small island in SE corner of South Lake but retreated to large island at north end of lake.  Also 3 Whimbrel circled overhead and flew SW towards Poole Harbour and a single Wheatear on...

Longham’s Garganeys

23rd April Still there today. Lorne Bissell got these images, digiscoping in the rain – he got soaked for his art! Also 1 female Wheatear, 3 Common Sandpipers and 2 Common Terns.