Extreme Animals
Prepare to be amazed by the most astounding feats in the natural world. Did you know that the mantis shrimp can punch its way through a sheet of glass, that the Bar-tailed Godwit can migrate 11,000km non-stop from Alaska to New Zealand, or that up to 40 million Mexican Free-tailed Bats gather in a single cave in Texas? This title is a must-have for all wildlife enthusiasts and it showcases the extremes of nature, from the biggest and smallest mammals and reptiles to the highest flying birds and insects, from the deepest swimming creatures to those that live in hottest and coldest places, to those that form the biggest gatherings, and so on. Through decades of experience in nature-writing Dominic Couzens has developed a unique style in imparting the wonders of the wildlife to millions of readers in many countries around the world. His engaging text, coupled with images from some of the world’s foremost nature photographers, make this book very special indeed. Extreme Animals will be an endless source of wonder and fascinating facts for anyone with an interest in the natural world, and a book that should be on the shelves of any wildlife enthusiast. It is also ideal for the gift market.