Copywriting services

I have extensive experience of writing for magazines and newspapers. Over the years I have written long-running columns for BBC Wildlife, BBC Countryfile, Bird Watching*, RSPB Nature’s Home* magazine and the National Trust magazine. [current*]. I have also written for Birdwatch magazine, BBC Gardener’s World, The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian.

I have a track record of producing writing to tight deadlines. Click here for some examples of my work.

You can also get some factsheets and species profiles from my site. Some of these include articles I have written over my 20 or so years with Bird Watching magazine

I am very happy to write articles about many aspects of wildlife, contact me here for more details.

Examples of copy by Dominic Couzens

I have produced numerous articles and columns incorporating different writing styles. Please review a selection of them listed below.

A wildlife encounter told in light-hearted style. Swan-Upping

Explanation of a natural phenomenon, translating the science into layman’s language. Partial Migration

Travelogue style. Norway Wildlife Travel Article

Unpublished article for newspaper readership. August Departures

Please contact me for

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Trunk Calls

You make a mistake by going out to seek Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers. These birds are only ever a gift. Scan the small twigs of the canopy if you must – but never expect to see them. You’ll be disappointed…
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Birds Behaving Badly

A bird’s life is never easy. There may be hard winters to endure, long journeys to make, feathers to replace and territories to defend. And, in addition to all this, there are a host of difficulties that arise, not from external forces, but from a bird’s relationships with other birds, of its own species or another.
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