Saturday 12th May
A first for Longham turned up today in the form of a Nightingale, heard by Derek and Kay Ball on the west side of the site just south of the Causeway between the lakes. It sang for a brief period around 11.50. Also Sedge Warbler, lots of Reed Warblers and “thousands” of Swifts.
I tried for the Nightingale in mid-afternoon with daughter Emmie, but we couldn’t hear it. Compensation came in the form of a Cuckoo heard, the first of the year. Also 1 Mistle Thrush feeding on the grass beside LR North, and a grown brood of 8 Mallards. Mammal-wise, there were about 20 Rabbits between the Thicket and Samuel’s Wood.
Friday 11th May
Roger Peart undertook his first ringing session of the year today, from 5.30-9.40am. He ringed 30 new birds, including a Bullfinch (1st ringed here), plus 18 retraps. The latter included 2 Chiffchaffs and 3 Reed Warblers returning from last year.
Thursday 10th May

Black-tailed Godwits, Longham Lakes, May 2012 (Lorne Bissell)
An astonishing 62 Black-tailed Godwits on the main island and flying about today, plus 3 Dunlin (Chris Parnell).

Black-tailed Godwits, Longham Lakes, May 2012 (Chris Parnell)