Blue-headed Wagtail, Longham Lakes, 8 May 2012 (Alan Pearce)
Tuesday 8th May
Good birds keep turning up at Longham this spring. At around 11.00, this Yellow Wagtail type – possibly Spanish was seen, along with a couple of Shelduck and a decent passage of Swifts (Alan Pearce). Then, at lunchtime appropriately enough, a Sandwich Tern was seen on the pole opposite the pumping station on Longham Reservoir South, soon flying off towards Longham Bridge. Also present 2 possibly 3 Hobbies, 40 Black-tailed Godwits and a Wheatear. Sadly no sign of yesterday evening’s Garganey (George Green).
Monday 7th May
Today’s star bird was the first Garganey of the spring, a male seen during the evening. Also 3 drake Shoveler present suggesting duck passage is still continuing. Otherwise single Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper (George Green).
Saturday 5th May
At Longham Lakes today: Ruff 2 still present on island at north end of LR South; Little Ringed Plover 3 together on beach in NW corner of LR South; Whimbrel 5 flew from LR South to Hampreston Fields; Common Sandpiper 3+ around the lakes (George Green).
Friday 4th May
Early in the morning the Swallow passage was still going. “There were masses of swallows in dizzying numbers, I estimate more than a thousand” (Trevor Thorpe). 2 White Wagtail were on the large island together with 2 little Ringed Plover. I also counted 164 Tufted Duck, 7 Common Sandpiper and 36 Black-tailed Godwit. Later on, there were 2 Ruff still present on main island, 2 pairs of Little Ringed Plovers, 1 by small island at south end of LR South and 1 pair on beach in NW corner of LR South, 10+ Common Sandpiper, 2 Yellow Wagtail and 1 White Wagtail on main island at north end of LR South. Also still 00s of Swifts and 000s of hirundines, mostly Swallows (George Green).
Hi Dominic, On the 8th 0f may 2012 I had spent a good part of the morning watching the main Island on the main lake & I watched the comings & goings of the quickly counted 36 Blacktail Godwits so after prising my eyes away which was hard! I noticed a yellow wagtail on the shoreline feeding when I scoped it I noticed the bird had a blue head, a mallard & ducklings chased the blue head off but it returned and so I pointed it out to another birder who noted the blue head and then if Alan is the camera carrying dog walker I pointed the bird out to him. I’m so glad I’ve found where the picture is published.
How Would Alan feel about uploading a image to bird guides plus could I have a copy of one of the pics?
I have a digi picture of a good number of the flock Godwits from that day if you would like a copy?
Thankyou Alan (picture) & Dominic (website) for making it possible for me to have a photo of the Blue Head.