This talk tells the story of a family mission – to see as many species of Britain’s mammals in a single year as possible. Truly, this is a hard task, because lots of Britain’s mammals are small, almost all are active mainly at night, and most of them are pretty keen to avoid being seen. And just to make the task even harder, this particular family is not especially well versed in the art of finding mammals. The children Emily and Samuel are only 5 years old and 3 years old respectively, and most animals are active well past their bedtime – so how on earth can they be persuaded to set eyes on the likes of Pine Martens and Yellow-necked Mice? It was far from easy, as you will find out during the talk.
This talk should appeal to the general public as well as natural history enthusiasts. And although there is plenty about how to show wild animals to young children, you will also find out about the mammals themselves, their lifestyles and habits. For example – do you know your voles from your mice, and did you know that Grey Squirrels will sometimes have sleepovers? You might prefer Red Squirrels, but their Grey relatives are in many ways just as fascinating.
No of images: 140
Type: Powerpoint
Length: 60-80 minutes
Audience: General